We get a bit one dimensional with the way we promote affiliate sites at times. Sure, affiliates come in all shapes and sizes.
You've got pay per click search engine arbitrage players, coupon/rebate sites, reward/loyalty sites, search engine optimizers, comparison shopping sites, content sites, e-mailers, data-feed sites, and blogs.
But these affiliates all have one thing in common - they are all online. In order to break through the clutter and get your site noticed, you've got to embrace the dirt world and test out some old school promotional methods.
One low cost way to spread the word about your site is to get some promotional pens printed up. There are tons of vendors online that offer a variety of customized pens for under $0.49 each.
Then there is the distribution methods. Think about the places in your town where people are always looking for a spare pen... the bank, the post office, etc.
Also, if your site has a certain theme, try asking the managers of local stores that pertain to your theme, and ask if you can leave some of the pens at the counter. And, of course, leave one everytime you need to sign your name or write something in public.